Case Study

Well researched and documented real-industry live case studies covering a wide rage of Industries and PQ issues from Asia on harmonic distortions, under-voltage and over-voltage, voltage dips, sags, flicker/sag/swell, transients, earthing, reactive compensation and so on , are available here for downloading. The case studies offer detailed analysis of the PQ issues ad solutions including economic analysis to enable users and top managements to readily go in for implementable economical solutions.


Power Quality In Paper Industry

Pulp and Paper Industry is one of the most energy and water intensive industries. On national level, major pulp and paper industries are given target to reduce their specific energy consumption under perform achieve and trade (PAT) scheme by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Specific energy consumption depends on both energy consumption and production.

Voltage Dip and Financial Impact

Power Quality issues can be broadly classified as voltage quality and current quality issues. Current quality issues are mainly caused by consumers themselves, voltage quality issues could be either from the grid or consumer. One of the major voltage quality issue is voltage dip or voltage sag.

Adressing Poor Power Quality & Load Unbalance Faced By Utility Distribution Transformer

Reliable and efficiency operation of distribution transformer is one of the key performance index (KPI) for the DISCOM. In India, transformer failure rate for the state distribution companies is reported officially in the range of 12-15% whereas at the same time for a private DISCOM, transformer failure rate is well below 1%.

Power Quality Solution through Harmonics Distortion Correction for Corporate Head Office Building

An Indian electricity utility has mandated to limit harmonic distortion starting from the year 2012, which in turn is based on IEEE-519 standard/CEA-2007 regulation for grid connectivity, devised to improve quality of power supply as well as to stabilize the grid, preventing it from a sudden collapse by relieving it together with connected generating stations from the cascading effects of a possible built up of a stressful power system conditions.

Power Quality and PQ Management At a large Technology park campus

Technopark infrastructure, housing a large number of IT/ITES-enabled services, has grown up as an important specialized service area, as there has been revolutionary changes in the growth of IT technology and products over the past decade. Over passage of time, the large deployment of IT/ITES system of Technopark developed in phases, have become more challenging area to deal with.

Unbalances, harmonics & neutral current in an Indian Airport Lighting system? a study to evolve suitable solutions.

Unbalances, harmonics & neutral current in an Indian Airport Lighting system? a study to evolve suitable solutions.

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