Electromagnetic interference, EMI, has become very important in the last few decades as the amount of electronic equipment in use has increased enormously. This has led to an increase in the sources of interference, e.g. digital equipment and switching power supplies, and an increase in the sensitivity of equipment to interference, due to higher data rates.
Both national and international standards for the conductor sizing of cables do not adequately take into account the additional heat load arising from harmonic currents. Some standards prescribe the maximum current values for four-conductor and five-conductor cables under the assumption that only two or three conductors are loaded.
The application note preparation project is undertaken by Asia Power Quality Initiative and funded by the International Copper Association, India. The support in identifying the steel re-rolling mills by VIA, Nagpur and CREDA, Raipur helped to generate the factual data on power quality.
Availability of reliable electrical power with good quality is one of the governing aspects of productivity for any sector of industry. Quality of power depends not only on supplier but also user of electrical power who due to non-linear load and improper operation can deter the grid power quality.
Voltage fluctuations are series of voltage changes, or variations of the voltage waveform.The ratio of reactive power to the short circuit capacity is a simplified formula to calculate relative voltage fluctuations at the load end of a High Voltage (HV) supply system. A changing magnitude in the supply voltage results in a change in the luminous flux of a light source.
This white paper focuses on the two metals that offer high electrical conductivity at economically viable prices: aluminium and copper. It points out that silver is a superior conductor, while gold isn’t. In any case, the high prices of silver and gold makes their use in cables, wires, conductors and electrical machines uneconomical.
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