Official release of Good Practice Guide on

An increasing need for space has made India’s cities reach skyward. A booming construction sector has brought with it high-rise apartments, commercial and industrial buildings that are expected to add another 25 billion m2 in constructed floor space by the year 2050.

Electricity is the vital element which makes buildings function as it is needed for lighting, heating or cooling spaces, moving lifts, pumping water, etc. Residential and commercial spaces that are designed nowadays are high-rise buildings with multiple residents who have varying electrical requirements. As these needs change with time, electrical distribution systems in such buildings have to be designed to last for at least 25–30 years without major changes, since any such modification could cause significant cost added with prolonged disruption of power supply to the building.

Buildings account for 35 percent of the total primal energy consumption in India. As building energy use grows at 8 percent annually, the need for clean, convenient and affordable energy is crucial. To meet this need, the electricity distribution system in every building has to be well-designed, safe, energy-efficient, reliable and convenient for users.

Looking into decade long insight about various academic curriculums, involvement with national institutions and stress on theoretical learning, it is observed that a lack of practical learning of the fresh engineers, their outlook towards quality workmanship and gap between their capability vs industry expectations persists. With this background NSN partners of APQI brought out GPG, in cooperation with McGraw Hill, that is simple, easy to read, easy to understand, with pictures and checklists in place. More like a digest of power entering into a substation of a building and flowing through various system/subsystem to reach the last mile plug points.

APQI and ICA India presents this book “Electricity in Buildings—a Good Practice Guide” to stakeholders to assist in choices they have to make on a daily basis both to make sure the “lights do not go out” and importantly that the building runs as reliably and efficiently as it should. ”

An electronic version of this GPG will soon be available. Look out for announcement.

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