Workshop on Power Quality and Its Impact On Steel Re-Rolling Mill Infrastructue at Raipur and Nagpur

Asia Power Quality Initiative (APQI) & Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) in association with Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA – State Designated Agency under Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) for the State and Vidarbha Industries Association (VIA – A prominent Industry Association in Vidarbha region ) organized an Interactive Workshop on “Power Quality and Its Impact On Steel Re-Rolling Mill Infrastructure” at Raipur and VIA Auditorium, Nagpur on 9th /10th June respectively.

The objective of the workshop is to dedicate the PQ application note developed by VNIT with APQI for the industry and disseminate the information based on field study for creating awareness in the area of power quality.


Power Quality and Its Impact On Steel Re-Rolling Mill Infrastructure (Introduction to APQI – Presentations)
Economic Impact of Poor Quality (Presentations)

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