The focus on Power quality and it’s management is getting deeper and being discussed in various forums. We are happy to announce that APQI extended it’s support to the CAPACIT 2014 event held at Delhi organised by IEEMA. The theme is “Smart Capacitors for Smart Grids”. The topic indicates the necessary transformation that needs to happen in the Industry to cope up with the dynamics of growth in the power consumption trend and its challenges for better utilisation in non-linear load environment.

APQI participated in the conference by presenting it’s paper on “Power Quality in de-regulated environment”.


CAPACIT held once in four years by IEEMA provides a platform to discuss the latest developments in Capacitor technology, recent advances and futuristic trends. This International Conference provides a common and a unique platform to all the stake holders such as manufacturers of capacitors and raw materials for capacitors, manufacturers of power conditioning devices, users of capacitors and power conditioning devices from industries and utilities, regulators, research and development organizations, testing and standardization organizations, academicians and students. The event is marked by 2 days of knowledge sharing amongst various stakeholders and intense deliberations sharing recent developments, operational experience, and requirements for future.

Check out Capacit 2014 website for more information

You will get from following link  (a) The Program Schedule and (b)  Detailed agenda and download links for presentations



PQ in deregulated environment_ CAPACIT 2014_Slide Submission

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