
We at APQI believe in sharing our thoughts, learning, information and help Power Quality (PQ) Community Development. It continues spreading the essential message of PQ to various stakeholders. This section comprises of various blogs on broader PQ related topics and its importance, helping businesses and industries with improved understanding and insights. We consider this as a key opportunity for a neutral objective platform to exchange ideas, thoughts and information on PQ in Asia region.

Jul 26, 2016

Impact on PQ by Grid Connected Electricity Storage Systems

The energy puzzle is regularly on top of the world's political, environmental, and economic agenda. Pushed by demographic growth, aspiration for better living conditions, and the development of digital technologies, electricity consumption is set to ...

Jun 27, 2016

Total Power Quality Management in an Automotive Component Manufacturing Unit

Delphi-TVS , a joint venture between Delphi Corporation, USA, and T.V. Sundaram Iyengar & Sons, India manufactures Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment for Cars, Sports Utility and Multi Utility Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Tractors, Single & Two-...

May 27, 2016

Leveraging Passive Filters to minimize Life Cycle Cost

Harmonics, a key Power Quality (PQ) phenomenon has made a common occurrence in today’s electrical power system leading to inefficiencies, safety hazard and higher operating costs. It existed in the power system since decades, however due to less non-...

Apr 29, 2016

Greenfield Design and Predictive Maintenance Two keys to achieve Power Quality

Power Quality (PQ) is often characterised as the electrical network's ability to supply a clean and stable power flow that is always available, has a pure noise-free sinusoidal wave shape, and is always within voltage and frequency tolerances. Howeve...

Mar 11, 2016

Power Quality For Variable Speed Drives

ndustries make use of a large amount of energy to power a diverse range of manufacturing and resource extraction processes. The industrial machines, especially those that are motor-driven, account for approximately 60% of electrical energy use and ar...

Feb 16, 2016

Impact of Distributed Generation (especially in solar photovoltaic industry) on PQ

Persistent electricity shortages have been one of the key bottleneck for sustaining India’s growth rate. While the energy demand is increasing day-by-day the centralized power generation systems are facing twin constraints of fossil fuel shortage and...

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