
We at APQI believe in sharing our thoughts, learning, information and help Power Quality (PQ) Community Development. It continues spreading the essential message of PQ to various stakeholders. This section comprises of various blogs on broader PQ related topics and its importance, helping businesses and industries with improved understanding and insights. We consider this as a key opportunity for a neutral objective platform to exchange ideas, thoughts and information on PQ in Asia region.

Jan 18, 2015

Financing Ecosystem For PQ Equipment

With the advent of various on-going reforms in Power Distribution industry, electrical power quality is emerging as the key concern for all stakeholders, i.e. utilities, industrial customers, manufacturers and end-users. Power Quality is increasingly...

Dec 26, 2014

Policy Landscape Around PQ in India, Compared with Other Rising Economies

The importance of high power quality (PQ) electricity supply has never been greater than it stands today. In a conclave on ‘Challenges to Power Quality’ hosted by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) held in Oct 2013, the International community of elect...

Nov 09, 2014

Common Mass Perception Around PQ. Affordable Common PQ Initiatives

Until now, food, clothing, shelter and receiving good health services were considered the basic requirements for an individual to live and sustain. Now, can you consider spending one day without your mobile, TV or computer? With the advent of technol...

Oct 18, 2014

High ROI for Industries from Investments in PQ

Industrial end-customers in India use nearly 44% of the electricity produced in the country (according to total electricity sales in 2011-12). While the sector already faces the crisis of bridging the gap between demand and supply, the insufficient p...

Sep 14, 2014

Business Case for PQ Investment by Commercial Buildings

According to total electricity sales (as per 2011-12), around 54% of the energy produced in India is used to power end-customers like industries (~ 44%) and commercial buildings / establishments (~10%). In today’s scenario, while electronic / digital...

Jul 06, 2014

Growing PQ Market Scenario in India

Power Quality refers to the stability and consistency of the electricity supply. As we connect more and more electronic devices to our power systems, the ‘quality’ of power supply becomes increasingly important. Stable voltages and undistorted wavefo...

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