One Day Workshop on Industry 4.0: Turning Challenges into Competitive Advantage

APQI’s NSN Partner QLeap Academy, is working on a mission to take our industry towards Industry 4.0. As a first towards our efforts, we are organizing a one-day training workshop, Industry 4.0: Turning Challenges into Competitive Advantage, focused on the key topics needed to empower organisations to work on implementing Industry 4.0. Dr. Donato Masi of Aston University, UK will be key faculty for the workshop. He was previously working at the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), UK.

The factories of the future have computer-driven systems that are increasingly monitoring physical processes and are enabling automated decisions. Industry 4.0 describes this transition and explains how the production processes based on technology and devices that can exchange information along the value chain are organized. With competition growing, integrating Industry 4.0 techniques will be a necessary step to becoming successful.

The workshop will use a unique mix of state-of-the-art developments and practical examples on Industry 4.0 taken from the direct experiences of experts from European and Indian Faculty.

You can find a short video about the event here:

The one day workshop is scheduled in the following cities as below:

  • Navi Mumbai (Four Points by Sheraton, Navi Mumbai) on 14.10.2019 (Register here)
  • Hyderabad (CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre) on 16.10.2019 (Register here)
  • Chennai (The Raintree Hotel, Alwarpet) on 18.10.2019 (Register here)

Please use the Townscript links above to register online. For more information, visit

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